Не устанавливается tinyumbrella. Как использовать TinyUmbrella для сохранения сертификатов SHSH

Если вы прошиваете iPhone, помните, что при повышении версии прошивки также повышается версия модема. В большинстве случаев такое повышение необратимо! В этом нет ничего страшного, если вам не нужен анлок, однако если у вас залоченный iPhone, вы можете надолго или навсегда лишиться возможности звонить. Для повышения прошивок на залоченных iPhone вам потребуется воспользоваться .

Данная инструкция справедлива только для старых прошивок, которые больше подписываются серверами Apple.
Узнать, какие версии iOS являются неактуальными, вы можете на страницах с информацией по соответствующим прошивкам, либо в нашем .
Для актуальных версий iOS следует применять .

Данная инструкция не распространяется на устройства с процессорами Apple A5 и новее - на iPad 2/3/4, на iPhone 4S/5, на iPod touch 5G и пр. Многие из этих устройств вообще не поддаются откату на старые прошивки, для остальных следует применять совершенно другой .

  1. Скачайте из нашего самую свежую версию iTunes и установите её (если вы ещё не сделали этого).
  2. Скачайте и установите последнюю версию Java для Windows.
  3. Скачайте из нашего нужную вам версию прошивки.
  4. Скачайте последнюю версию утилиты TinyUmbrella .
  5. Распакуйте архив с TinyUmbrella, перетащите программу в папку "Программы" и запустите её. Перейдите на вкладку "Advanced" и убедитесь, что галочки расставлены так, как на скриншоте ниже:

  6. Если у вас уже есть нужные хеши SHSH, то в Проводнике перейдите в вашу домашнюю папку, поставьте курсор в строку пути и припишите "\.shsh", затем нажав Enter. Вы окажетесь в папке с хешами. Скопируйте ваши файлы туда. Если у вас нет заранее сохранённых хешей, переходите к следующему шагу.

  7. Подключите ваше устройство, выберите его в сайдбаре TinyUmbrella. Перейдите на вкладку "Log" и нажмите кнопку "Save SHSH". Внимательно следите за логом программы: для тех прошивок, которые будут помечены зелёным, у вас есть хеши на серверах Cydia, для остальных - хешей нет.

  8. Если для нужной вам прошивки есть хеши SHSH, нажмите кнопку "Start TSS Server". Не закрывайте TinyUmbrella, пока не закончится прошивание!

  9. Зажмите кнопки Power (на верхнем торце) и Home (на лицевой панели) ровно на 10 секунд, затем отпустите Power, продолжая удерживать Home ещё около 8-10 секунд. Запустится iTunes и покажет следующее сообщение:

  10. Нажмите "Проверить". Появится ещё одно всплывающее окошко, в котором нужно нажать "ОК".
  11. Если вы синхронизируете свой гаджет с iTunes, сделайте это перед прошиванием, нажав кнопку "Синхронизировать". Если вы создаёте резервную копию в iCloud, в настройках устройства зайдите в меню "iCloud-Хранилище и резервные копии". Помните, что при восстановлении, в отличие от обновления, происходит полное форматирование памяти устройства, и восстановить контент можно лишь при наличии у вас резервной копии!
  12. Зажмите на клавиатуре кнопку Shift, затем кликните по кнопке "Восстановить". Укажите путь к скачанному файлу iOS.
  13. Дождитесь окончания восстановления прошивки и загрузки гаджета в нормальном режиме.
  14. В TinyUmbrella нажмите кнопку "Stop TSS Server".
  15. Как исправить ошибки 1013, 1014 или 1015 при прошивании

  16. Кроме того, при понижении прошивки на iPhone или iPad с сотовым модемом iTunes с большой долей вероятности выдаст ошибку из диапазона 1013-1015 в середине прошивания. Это связано с невозможностью понизить модем. Чтобы загрузить устройство в нормальном режиме после такой ошибки, следуйте инструкциям ниже.
  17. Снова зажмите кнопки Power (на верхнем торце) и Home (на лицевой панели) ровно на 10 секунд, затем отпустите Power, продолжая удерживать Home ещё около 8-10 секунд.
  18. В TinyUmbrella нажмите кнопку "Fix Recovery" и дождитесь загрузки гаджета в нормальном режиме.
  19. Если это не поможет, скачайте самую свежую версию redsn0w для windows .
  20. Распакуйте архив, поместите redsn0w на рабочий стол. Запустите redsn0w, на стартовом экране redsn0w нажмите кнопку "Extras".
  21. Убедитесь, что гаджет подключён к компьютеру, затем нажмите кнопку "Recovery Fix".
  22. На следующем экране нажмите "Next".
  23. Затем redsn0w поможет вам ввести устройство в режим DFU. Вам нужно будет нажать на 3 секунды кнопку Power, потом зажать кнопки Home и Power на 10 секунд, затем отпустить Power, а Home держать ещё около 10 секунд.
  24. Дождитесь, пока устройство загрузится в нормальном режиме.

Long-time Apple device users would have turned to TinyUmbrella for help at least once in their lifetime in the Apple universe. The software is an indispensable tool that allows Apple users to save their iOS devices" SHSH files in order to fix a faulty or buggy firmware or downgrade to an older version of iOS even after Apple has "kick out" the old iOS version from entering the Apple universe.

But what happens if the trusty TinyUmbrella decided to take the day off?

Part 1: TinyUmbrella not working: why?

The situation where TinyUmbreall not working for a user is very rare... however, it does happen.

Here are some of the reasons behind a malfunctioning TinyUmbrella application:

  • Not having the right version of Java. If you have a Windows PC, make sure that you are using the 32-bit version of Java regardless of which version of Windows you are using.
  • Firewalls are great at protecting your computer from threats. If you have problem launching or working with TinyUmbrella, it is might be because that your firewall is preventing it from functioning as it should be.
  • TinyUmbrella saves SHSH files into the dedicated folder. If you have changed the location of this folder (and thus breaking the path), TinyUmbrella fails to start.
  • Part 2: TinyUmbrella doesn"t work: solutions

    Depending on the exact problem you are facing, there are several solutions for TinyUmbrella to work as normal as it could. Here are some that you can try out in your attempt to fix the program.

    #1 Cannot Start TSS Service

    The situation: You are trying to use the software and a "Cannot Start TSS Service" error pop up with the status showing "TinyUmbrella"s TSS server is not running".

    The solution 1:

  • Put TinyUmbrella in your exception list.
  • If it is no working disable your antivirus and exit from it completely.
  • The solution 2:

  • Run the software with Administrator privileges.
  • Check if Port 80 is accommodating another application. Use the netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:80 command to find the process ID (PID).
  • Open Windows Task Manager and open the Details tab. You should be able to see the PID column to check the application that is using Port 80.
  • Close the application via Windows Task Manager and launch TinyUmbrella.
  • #2 TinyUmbrella cannot open

    The situation: You have been clicking on the icon but it would not launch.

    The solution:

  • Right-click on the icon.
  • Click Properties .
  • Click Run in compatibility mode and select the version of your operating system.
  • Launch the program.
  • #3 TinyUmbrella Crashes or Not Loading

    The situation: You are unable to go past the splash screen, validate libraries and reticulating splice.

    The solution:

  • Launch Windows Explorer and navigate to C: Users/Key You User Name/.shsh/.cache/ .
  • Find the Lib-Win.jar file and delete it.
  • Download a new Lib-Win.jar file .
  • Once it has finished downloading, put it in the same folder as the old file.
  • Launch TinyUmbrella.
  • Part 3: TinyUmbrella Alternative: dr.fone

    If you have been trying to fix TinyUmbrella tirelessly and still TinyUmbrella not working, it is time to think of a replacement.

    Is one of the best alternatives to TinyUmbrella. It is a reliable, versatile and innovative solution developed by Wondershare that is able to fix any iOS-related problems on your device. You will be able to fix any iOS system issues such as , white screen, black screen or Apple logo loop. You will be able to do all these without the risk of losing data in the process. The software is also compatible with all iPhones, iPads and iPod Touch. The great thing about this software is that it comes packaged with other Wondershare dr.fone suite of tools. This simply means that not only will you be able to repair any problems relating to the operating system but also recover any lost data or wipe out your iDevice completely.

    Using this software is really easy thanks to its clear graphic instructions:

    Launch dr.fone on your computer after downloading and installing it. Click on Repair to start fixing your iOS.

    Take your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch and connect it using a USB cable to your Mac or Windows computer. Wait for it to recognise your device before clicking the Start button.

    The next step is to download a compatible firmware package for your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. You do not need to know which version you should be downloading (although, actually knowing would be recommended) as the software will recommend you the latest version of the firmware. Click the Download button once you are sure that everything is in place.

    It will take some time to download the firmware and install it into your device---the software will let you know when it is done.

    The software will start to repair your iOS in order to fix any problem that you have on your device.

    It should take the software around 10 minutes to complete the process. It will let you know that your device will be started in normal mode.

    Note: if the problem persists, it might be a hardware problem. So do contact the nearest Apple store to seek their help.

    Good luck on your quest to fix TinyUmbrella!

    Do let us know if the solutions above work for you. If you tried dr.fone - iOS System Recovery, do you like using it?

    TinyUmbrella is one of the most popular programs for iPhone users as it allows to by-pass Apple serves to upgrade and downgrade iOS system. Besides, it also helps to get iPhone out of recovery mode, apple logo, black screen and other iOS stuck easily. However, TinyUmbrella is not without its own problems, TinyUmbrella not working is just one of the problems that has been debating in the Apple Discussion.

    There are many issues that may result in this issue, such as the wrong version of Java, loss of SHSH files or firewall protection. Normally it is not easy for users to fix TinyUmbrella won’t open on computer, that’s why we recommend -the bestTinyUmbrella alternativeto you. This software is an expert in fixing all iPhone stuck issues and repairing operating system. Follow this article to get the detailed functions of this versatile tool.

    Part 1: How to Fix Tinyumbrella not Working on Computer

    TinyUmbrella won"t work

    If TinyUmbrella failed to launch on Windows system, you can try this way:

    Check if the iTunes and Java are both the latest version, as they are important for TinyUmbrella to work. Disable your anti-virus and Windows Defender and run the program in compatibility mode.

    TinyUmbrella doesn"t open on Windows 10/8/7

    After clicking on the software but it won"t start, you can just follow the steps below:

    Double-click on the icon again, if it still not launching, click Properties and then restart your computer.

    TinyUmbrella crashes on startup and unable to validate libraries

    When the program doesn"t load or displays the "Unable to Validate Reticulating Splines" message, here"s the fix you can try:

    Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C: Users/Your User Name/. shsh/. cache/
    Find the Lib-Win.jar file and delete it, download a new file
    After downloading, put the new Lib-Win.jar file in the same folder and open TinyUmbrella

    Part 2: Fix iOS Stuck with TinyUmbrella Alternative – Tenorshare ReiBoot

    TinyUmbrella is designed to downgrade the iOS system, which may fix stuck issues, but it has its limitation. You need to install iTunes and Java before using this program, which causes much inconvenience. With Tenorshare ReiBoot, you can get rid of all kinds of iOS stuck problems with simple clicks.

    Usually most stuck issues can be fixed after trying the steps above, but sometimes you may find your device is still unresponsive, that is because the loss of firmware. Tenorshare ReiBoot can help you to download latest firmware package to repair operating system effectively.

    Now you"ve got a clear understanding of this amazing iPhone reboot tool. Next time if TinyUmbrella fix recovery not working, just resort to the best TinyUmbrella alternative to fix iPhone stuck in recovery mode as well as other stuck issues.

    Many jailbreakers will be familiar with the , which has traditionally been one of the best ways to save SHSH blobs for their iOS devices onto their Macs for safekeeping. What SHSH blobs are, their function, and how to save them is outside the scope of this article, (I will put something together soon on this), but suffice to say that saving these blobs is of some importance to many jailbreakers and that TinyUmbrella has been the go-to application for doing so for a long while.

    Whilst the application was updated as recently as August by its creator Semaphore, many Mac users (myself included) have noted that the new version, 9.3.4, gives an error on launch and cannot be used at all. This guide will walk you through the fix to get your umbrella back up again on Mac, so you can carry on wishfully saving those blobs.

    Upon launching v9.3.4 of the application it momentarily begins loading, but then aborts with the following dialogue:

    However, thanks to a fix put together by Twitter user @2Klasic , all is not lost! Some simple file substitutions should be enough to get the program working again and below are the instructions for the fix. I have included steps covering installation of the program for those who do not already have it, or who deleted it after realising it would not launch. If you already have it installed you can skip to step 5 of the process.

    Fixing the application

    1) Download TinyUmbrella 9.3.4 from Semaphore’s site . I recommend the version in the sidebar entitled “OSX Installer Bundled JRE” as it simplifies the process for those who may not have the Java Runtime Environment which the program requires.

    2) Double-click the downloaded .dmg to mount it, and then double-click the installer to run it.

    3) Go through the installer screens, select an install location, and click “Finish” when it has completed.

    4) Attempt to launch TinyUmbrella from your Applications folder, and note the crash. This step also creates a folder which we will be replacing later, which is not otherwise there.

    5) Download and unzip “TU Fix.zip”, which contains the files required for the fix.

    6) At this point we need to make visible some files which are hidden by default, so launch Terminal from /Applications/Utilities or via Spotlight.

    7) In Terminal, issue the following command and hit the “Enter” key:

    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true ; killall Finder

    As you can see from the above picture, after issuing the command hidden folders have become visible, including one inside the downloaded folder.

    8) With the “TU Fix” folder which you unzipped earlier open, open another Finder window showing your home User folder (the one containing your “Movies”, “Pictures”, “Documents”, and so on).

    9) Locate the greyed-out folder entitled “.tu” in your “User” folder, look inside it for the “.cache” folder, and delete it.

    10) Copy the “.cache” folder from inside the downloaded “TU Fix” folder, and paste it into the /Users/Username/.tu folder, which you deleted the original “.cache” folder from in step 9.

    11) Return to Terminal and issue the following command to re-hide your hidden folders:

    defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -boolean false ; killall Finder

    Note how the hidden folders which we edited have disappeared again in the above screenshot after issuing the Terminal command.

    12) Launch TinyUmbrella again and you should be right as rain.

    For those who hope that tools will one day be released for their devices allowing them to downgrade to firmware versions of their choosing, keeping an unbroken chain of blobs for all iOS versions is the name of the game. Because of this, keeping tools like TinyUmbrella in a working condition ready to save blobs within the signing windows is essential.

    Given the relatively minor inconvenience involved in periodically saving your blobs, it seems worth it in exchange for the future possibility of running whichever firmware you please on your device. I’ll be writing another tutorial soon on how to use my favoured tool for saving blobs called (appropriately) “savethemblobs”, but for many TinyUmbrella is just what they need. If you’re one of those people, this guide should help you get back on track.

    Did this method work for you? Do you still bother to save your blobs and what tool do you use? Let me know below.

    Once Apple has released a new firmware, we get a period of about a week to downgrade back to the previous version. After that time, Apple stops signing the previous firmware, making it impossible to go back. The only time this window is extended is if there is the potential for a problem with the new iOS and they give users more time to go back – this is rare.

    Once a firmware is no longer being signed, Apple will no longer provide the SHSH blobs for it and it is these blobs that make it possible to downgrade. A few years back, we had a tool called TinyUmbrella at our disposal to save the SHSH blobs. These blobs were then used for stitching together a pre-signed version of the relevant firmware files – these could be used over and again to downgrade to where Cydia could be installed.

    The loophole that allowed SHSH blobs to be used for downgrading was closed some time ago but TinyUmbrella is still usable for saving your blobs. You might be wondering why to bother when they cant be used but there is a chance that, in the future, we will be able to use them for downgrading again and, if you don’t save them, you won’t have that chance.

    What Can TinyUmbrella Do ?

    Right now, Tiny Umbrella only has the option for saving shsh blobs and storing them and it is good practice to start doing this now and every time you upgrade your iPhone or iPad. The developers of the app have already hinted that there will be an update to bring the downgrade facilities back again. It has been updated regularly through the years with support for each successive iOS release so start using it today and be prepared for the future.

    Download TinyUmbrella on Windows:

    How to Use :

    You can find all the information with step by step guide to use the app for your iPhone or iPad in the given